

November 1 – 30, 2024

CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION: Saturday, November 2nd, 3-5pm

“The Herbaria series is a deeply personal exploration of memory and time. I collect and press flowers, leaves and herbs—a gesture of preservation in the face of uncertainty. The delicate collections of flattened blooms are temporal markers and symbols of resilience.

These pressed flowers eventually made their way into my Rorschach series, where I explore how individual perception is shaped by personal experiences. The Herbaria collection also includes floral garland paintings, which are inspired by the offerings left at gravesites. Though wilted and worn, they carry an intention of care and reverence, echoing themes of remembrance and memento mori. In the midst of chaos, I find peace in the natural world. This exhibition serves as an offering to viewers—a safe space where they can find their own comfort.”

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Immortelle II

Mixed media on canvas, 36 x 36 in.
